Steven M. Eames
Chairman and CEO

Steve Eames has been an executive and has provided senior-level counseling to the leadership at some of America's greatest enterprises, companies like IBM, United Services Automobile Association, The Coastal Corporation, and Electronic Data Systems. Today, this management expertise is available to clients of The Alliant Group..

Eames' background includes significant experience in media relations and corporate communications, marketing and brand management, public affairs and government relations, crisis and issues management, and advertising. He has worked as a senior executive in various industries, including high technology, aerospace and defense, insurance, financial services, petroleum refining, natural gas distribution, electric power generation, ocean shipping, and retail.

Prior to co-founding The Alliant Group in 2001, Eames had been senior vice president for corporate communications and marketing at the insurance and financial services giant USAA. Recruited there in 1997, he established the company's first corporate marketing department within the 225-person Corporate Communications function. Eames also headed design and development of USAA's acclaimed Internet and Intranet sites. In addition, he established an industry-unique program in issues management, including aggressive public relations support in litigation matters.

At The Coastal Corporation (since acquired by El Paso Energy) from 1991 to 1997, Eames was vice president of corporate communications and president of Coastal's in-house advertising agency, ANR Media. While at Coastal, he built a nationally recognized reputation in crisis and issues management. His skills were tested in events that included natural gas pipeline routings, highly visible oil spills, major chemical and refinery plant fires, pipeline explosions, labor disputes, ship groundings, and international incidents.

At IBM Eames completed a decade-long career in 1991 as corporate spokesman for the company's financial results and as point man during a massive employment restructuring. During his years at IBM, he also handled public relations concerning one of the nation's first SuperFund environmental sites and controversy over IBM's performance on critical national defense contracts. Earlier, he managed public relations for IBM at the Johnson Space Center. In this last role, he received a NASA commendation for his work explaining the Space Shuttle Challenger accident.

Eames credits his experience as an editor, correspondent, and executive during 10 years at The Associated Press as the basis for his successful career. Previously, he was a writer for various Texas newspapers.

Eames graduated in 1973 from Texas Tech University with a bachelor of arts degree in journalism. Other education has included management training from the U.S. Air Force and IBM and completion in 1999 of the AICPCU's executive education course for senior insurance industry leaders at Wharton.

Having enjoyed life as a "corporate nomad" during 30 years with The Associated Press, IBM, The Coastal Corporation, and USAA, today Eames and his wife are firmly rooted at their Texas Hill Country home north of San Antonio with two teen-aged sons providing constant entertainment. Outside interests include golf, travel, and reading.

Most memorable inspiration:
  Learning that good ideas can come from any source – the trick is to recognize those good ideas and implement them well.

Best career moment:
  Working with NASA when it really needed public relations help the most – the last flight of the Space Shuttle Challenger.

Worst career moment:
  Death of my innocence. Learning things are not always what they seem.

When not working:
  Living in the Texas Hill Country, I enjoy golf, swimming, walking my Golden Retriever … and time with my wife and two sons.